Parks & Playgrounds
Enhance your quality of life while visiting our area by getting outdoors. From parks to playgrounds, disc golf to excursions, 5K’s to parades and events, Harrisonburg is a lover of all things adventurous and outdoorsy.
A Dream Come True Playground
1050 Neff Ave. Harrisonburg, VA
A free accessible Harrisonburg city playground with a wheelchair accesible swing called “Liberty Swing.” The playground has separate equipment for 2-5 year olds and 5-12 year olds, with features including a rock, rainbow arches, shade structures, roadway, hammock swing, draw wall, pavilion and family comfort stations that are fully accessible.
Harrisonburg Parks and Recreation
Visit this site for activities and classes, pool information, map of city parks, activity and education centers, athletics, and a seasonal activity guide.