Christmas Pajama Jam

Funky's Skate Center 100 Miller Cir, harrisonburg, VA, United States

Roller Skating Party for Adults & Kids Come celebrate Christmas early  Music provided by KTayRefreshments Prizes for the best christmas pajamas Photobooth  Entry Fee:Adults - $8.00Kids - $4.00 ** If skating, must purchase skate rental. Cost not included in entry fee **

Unleash the Fury: Rocktown Rollers Home Team Bout

Funky's Skate Center 100 Miller Cir, harrisonburg, VA, United States

Missed the first home team bout of the season? No worries, you can come to the rematch! In Unleash the Fury come watch the Punk ‘Possums battle it out against the Thrash Pandas once again at this family friendly event. doors open at 4:30, whistle at 5Funkys Skate CenterTickets $10, free for kids 10 and […]
