Into the great wide open, a Tom Petty cover show

Pale Fire Brewing Company 217 S Liberty St Ste 105, Harrisonburg, VA, United States

“Into The great Wide open” Shenandoah Valley musicians cover Tom Petty Feb.16 at Pale Fire Brewery in Harrisonburg Admission is Free Concert from 7-10 pm Featuring over 20 acts covering Tom Petty's Musical career, From The Heartbreakers to the Traveling Wilburys Some of Harrisonburgs best come out to pay tribute to the amazing songwriter. Hosted […]

Dr. How at Pale Fire for St. Paddy’s eve

Pale Fire Brewing Company 217 S Liberty St Ste 105, Harrisonburg, VA, United States

Irish drinking songs and original music by Dr.How! this is a Free show that starts at 7pm, come sing a long with us as we cheers to the future and mourn the past. Fun times are abound.