“Take to the Woods” Bowl For Kids Sake 2025

“Take to the Woods” Bowl For Kids Sake 2025

Join Big Brothers Big Sisters of Harrisonburg-Rockingham (also serving Shenandoah County) for our signature fundraising event, Bowl For Kids’ Sake! This year we “take to the woods” while bowling to support mentoring for local youth at Valley Lanes in...


Play SINGO at Pale Fire! It’s Bingo with a musical spin and you can play every Thursday for FREE! Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to song clips of “the good parts” of popular songs. Sing along (if you like!) and match song...
Geeks Who Drink Trivia

Geeks Who Drink Trivia

Get a team together for weekly pub trivia from Geeks Who Drink every week from 8-10pm at Pale Fire! Free to play and winning teams get cool prizes. Each quiz consists of seven rounds of eight questions each, in a variety of formats, including audio and visual rounds....


Play SINGO at Pale Fire! It’s Bingo with a musical spin and you can play every Thursday for FREE! Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to song clips of “the good parts” of popular songs. Sing along (if you like!) and match song...
Geeks Who Drink Trivia

Geeks Who Drink Trivia

Get a team together for weekly pub trivia from Geeks Who Drink every week from 8-10pm at Pale Fire! Free to play and winning teams get cool prizes. Each quiz consists of seven rounds of eight questions each, in a variety of formats, including audio and visual rounds....