Inspired by true events, The Vanishing Elephant, an incredible story of resilience and friendship, comes to life through large-scale puppetry, illusion, and magic. Jenny, a young elephant in India, is full of curiosity and wonder. Sadly, one day, her life changes when...
Pirate School: Sea Dreams is a madcap, swashbuckling solo show created and performed by veteran New York actor David Engel. Set to an original cartoon-inspired musical score, complete with sound effects, Pirate Professor Billy Bones teaches the finer points of...
Are you a foodie? Music lover? No? Even so, we have something for you and your friends to kick off the Fall! Join Open Doors for our annual fundraiser, Food Truck Fest, and enjoy local eats, music, adult beverages, kids’ zone, and more! Learn more and get your tickets...
🎤 Get ready to be swept away by sensational performances at our VOICE fundraiser ”Breakfast at Tiffany’s: A Night of Award Winning Music & Breakfast for Dinner”! Enjoy a night of unforgettable music and indulge in breakfast for dinner, all for a great cause. 📍...
You are invited to join a great gathering of Lenten Pilgrims from 96+ communities in 15 countries, and every continent (yes, even Antarctica!) to walk for peace in Gaza and help raise funds for relief aid. Here in Harrisonburg on Holy Saturday, March 30, we will walk...